The film ’Brunnhilde’ is an animated story. Alberich has made a ring of power. His enemy, Wotan, steals it but is forced to give it away. Who will gain the Ring? Wotan’s daughter Brunnhilde saves the world by giving it back to nature, from where it began. The live sound track is from Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle, performed by three young talented professional opera singers with piano. 15-minute interval. The concert is a menu of songs chosen by the audience.

Featuring Sky Ingram “Ingram dazzled in the title role-hers is a sumptuous voice.” Ieuen Jones “What a year! Performing all over the world!”, Roberto Abate “Accomplished professional Australian tenor” Dr David Kram “Member of the Order of Australia for “significant service to the performing arts, to opera and chamber choirs, and to education”.

Suitable for adults and school aged children.